It’s been a while

Almost a year has past since my last post on this blog. A year is a long time. So many things can happen in a year. Let me give you a summary of it.

I started learning to play the violin, I found an apartment, I got the job as an event and project coordinator in my company, I self published two novels, I got a job as a team lead apprentice, I travelled to Switzerland, Edinburgh and France, I celebrated 8 years at Apple and one year back to Ireland, I met a lot of new friends and I started translating my book from French to English.

That kind of sums it up. I probably forgot something major and I will be like, how did I not think about it. Well… It if fine, I can always come back here. I think I kind of got a pretty awesome year, regarding how 2022 started. There are always some challenging moments, otherwise life would be a bit boring, right? And how would we learn and grow otherwise?

The reason of my return here. I realized that I cannot run away from people who dislike me or try to hurt me. Haters are always gonna hate. I am at peace. I actually read a letter, on the first of January that I wrote to myself five years ago and I realized how much I’ve changed. It is funny though, I asked myself, on this letter, if I was a writer. And I am. The same way I asked if I visited New Zealand and I will go there in three weeks time. Two dreams would have been achieved in a year. And so many are to come.

I turned 40 years old last November. I always said that my forties are going to be the best decade ever. New Zealand is the first real step, then I will try to find a literary agent or a publisher to have my book published in English. So my holidays will be mainly about book fairs and networking. I can’t wait! I believe in my talent and my success.

Yes 2023 is going to be awesome. It actually already is. For you out there, who is still subscribed to this blog or is just passing by, I wish you an amazing 2023 year! Please, try to make your dreams come true. You owe it to yourself! See ya!

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